Sunday, April 19, 2009

Help, I'm drowning in Interesting Information!

Please tell me I'm not the only one that is completely overwhelmed by the cool and interesting blogs that are out there!!!

A few months back I really began paying attention in earnest to all the wonderful genealogy blogs that are out there, and started blogging on genealogy topics myself. Before that my blog was mostly recounts of embarrassing physical mishaps that I caused to myself and LOLcats I found funny.

So then I started finding all these cool blogs out there both on topics relevant to my work (that darn work, always getting in the way), and on genealogy. I've learned so much in just these few months. And I discovered that there is a whole genealogy community online and they all seem to know each other, and I'm starting to get to know them (which is so cool to me!). I even started participating in things like Smile for the Camera and felt so accomplished!

But now I'm starting to drown a little!!! I can't keep up!

Anybody out there have any suggestions on how to handle this? I'm so desperate I'm thinking of actually creating another spreadsheet! :-D

In the meantime, I'm off to go read some blogs, and I'll leave you with a few of my favorites (various topics, not all on genealogy). Enjoy! These are just a small percentage of the one's I keep in my toolbar in Firefox, we haven't even touched the one's in my Networked Blogs account...

Work in the Pharma industry and like to keep up on all the latest gossip? Then this is for you:

I love Mashable to keep me up on the latest in social networking and all that kind of internet-y stuff:

Last year I got my master's in Library and Information Science and I like to keep up with what's happening while I'm not actually in the industry:

Nathaniel Lane Taylor doesn't post often, but when he does I find it fascinating. He's a medieval scholar as well as genealogist:

I'm much better at ordering food than creating it, but there are 2 food blogs I follow and they are just this close to converting me!

This one is a great site that features tidbits of info on genealogy and history; and makes them interesting!


  1. I totally understand about not keeping up. If I miss just a day on FB I am overwhelmed...and that is rather trivial...but overwhelming just the same.

  2. Glad to know I'm not the only one!! There are so many wonderful genealogy blogs out there, and so much information, and so much I need to follow up on, and on and on. I'll keep checking back here to see if anyone has some great suggestions for you - 'cause I sure don't.

  3. I am trying to keep up too! Not easy, in fact I end up reading all the other wonderful blogs and never get around to blogging on my own. I was thinking today that I just have to get busy because I haven't done any research, or have worked on my family book, or blogged, there are so many and I cannot go a day without reading them! I have all of mine in either Google Reader or RSS Feeds off to the left of my screen, when I open my email they are on the left where you have "Favorites" or "Feeds" or "History" I have expanded them to "Feeds" and I have all of them there, if they are highlighted I click on them and try and get thru as many as I can! I don't know if there is a better way but for now it works for me. I am learning Google Reader more and more. I too will ck back and see if there is a better way.

  4. I forgot to mention, I created a spreadsheet to keep up! Now I need to fine tune it! I called it my "Blog Log"! The date I looked at a blog, the post date, the subject date, blog address, post subject, and if I had left a comment so I could remember where I was and if I left a comment! Now is that bad or what!? Had to, I was loosing track!

  5. Diana and Debbie - I'm so relieved as well to know it's not just me!!! Thanks for posting!

  6. Gini - I have the same kind of setup going on - I have RSS feeds in my firefox, but then there are the networked blogs one's I'm following as well, it's so much! Thanks for validating my idea of a spreadsheet, I was afraid I was the only one thinking of that!
