This obituary is for Marc DEMARC who was my great-uncle, married to my great-aunt Daisy MIX. He married my great-aunt relatively late in his life, he was 53 and she was 29. They had 3 sons together.
Below are two obituaries my grandmother had. All identifying information about the newspaper has been trimmed off.
Obituary Text:
Marc deMarc
FREEVILLE - Marc deMarc, 82, of Country Manor Estates, R.D. 1, Freeville, died Monday, June 14, 1971, in Tompkins County Hospital.
He was a member of the Jehovah's Witness.
He is survived by his wife, Daisy Mix deMarc; three sons, Joel Timothy deMarc, and Daniel John deMarc both of Ithaca, and Adriel Lauren deMarc, at home; and four grandchildren.
Funeral services will be announced by Wagner Funeral Home.
Marc deMarc
FREEVILLE - Funeral services for Marc De Marc of Freeville, who died Monday, June 14, 1971, will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Friday at Wagner Funeral Home. The Rev. LaVearne J. Ebel of Jehovah's Witnesses Church will officiate. Burial will be in Resurrection Park, Kingdom Farm, South Lansing. Calling hours are 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday.
Strange - the second obit states that a "Rev" of the J's Ws Church would officiate the funeral! Jehovah's Witnesses know that the only being who can legitimately be titled reverend is Jehovah God himself, not any human. Must have been a mistake.