Friday, December 5, 2014

My Wilhelm Domelle in the Triebswetter Family Book

So a while back, I found out a Familienbuch existed for the town that I traced my immigrant ancestor William Domelle to.  That sentence was constructed horribly, but you get my meaning.

A Familienbuch is a list of births, marriages, deaths, that in this case was specific to the town I was looking at - Triebswetter which existed in what is now modern Romania, but when my ancestor emigrated from it, it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  He was ethnic German living in a town full of Germans that had migrated to the area by invitation to work the land. 

Back to the book - so I found out this book existed where someone had spent time transcribing all these records for Triebswetter into a book.  I found the author in Germany and contacted him to see if any copies still existed.  He didn't have any more but sent me an electronic version and we corresponded a bit back and forth. He found some other bits of info on Domelles and kindly sent to me, I filled him in on what happened to the one's I knew that emigrated.  I told him to let me know if he ever printed more because I would love to own hard copies of the information.

And voila, he printed another set (with updates) just recently and you know I ordered a copy!  I got them in the mail just last night, and tonight I sat down to look through it to see what kind of updates might exist for my ancestor families, but really I sat down to just hold the books while lisping out "My Precious Bookses, we waited for you and now you're here my preciouses....."

But I digress...I recently watched the new version of the Hobbit (part 1) and it kind of stuck with me...

Anyway, I found my William and then was shocked!  My name was in there as providing the information of where William had immigrated to in the United States.



          I AM IMMORTAL!


  1. We're so proud of you and happy for you!!! What a great feeling to own this book and know that your German 'friend' gave you recognition for your part.
